Speak Up! You Can Help End Youth Homelessness.
This year, over 4.2 million young people will experience homelessness. 1 in 5 Covenant House residents are survivors of human trafficking as a direct result of their time without a safe place to sleep. As more cities across the U.S. criminalize homelessness, the need for Covenant House’s lifesaving services has become more apparent, to protect youth from the dangers they face from homelessness and trafficking. We expect that over the next few years, we will have to serve more youth in crisis than ever before.

Complete this short form to join Covenant House in speaking up in support of this key piece of legislation to prevent and end youth homelessness as we know it.
The Impact
In order to help youth in all 50 states, Covenant House is urging all local, state, and federal representatives to support the Runaway and Homeless Youth and Trafficking Prevention Act. It is the only bill that provides needed funding for homeless youth across the U.S., and is a key component in providing adequate safe and stable housing and supportive services for homeless youth.
The Message
Dear Members of Congress,
I and the entire Covenant House community will not sit idly by while young people are forced to sleep on the streets, and then are criminalized for doing so. We have a responsibility to care for youth in our communities who have been trafficked, forced out of their homes, and trapped in cycles of extreme poverty.
We have the opportunity to protect youth across the country by passing the Runaway and Homeless Youth and Trafficking Prevention Act (RHYTPA). It is the most effective legislation for providing the necessary funds for services to homeless youth across all 50 states.
Thank you for your time, consideration, and efforts to help end youth homelessness as we know it.