For LGBTQ+ Youth, Journey to Healing Starts with Love and Respect
When Juan* first came to Covenant House Mexico, he was shy and withdrawn, reluctant to share his sexual identity with his peers or even with staff. It’s not unusual for LGBTQ+ youth to be especially guarded, says Mayra Cristina Aguirre, Covenant House Mexico services coordinator.
“LGBTQ+ youth have so many fears about expressing their orientation and identity. They’ve been so hurt,” she says, “it generates distrust.”
“Migrant youth, especially, come to us seeking asylum because they’ve been threatened with death due to their sexual orientation,” adds Prevention and Progressive Autonomy Coordinator Laura Piedra. “Local LGBTQ+ youth often arrive having been terribly mistreated by their families.”
At Covenant House Mexico, though, a new kind of journey begins for our LGBTQ+ youth, who, like all the young people in our care in Latin America, are just 12 to 18 years old. Their journey with us is grounded in unconditional love, absolute respect, and relentless support, “and there are no labels or stigmas,” says Laura.
She says LGBTQ+ youth receive specialized attention regarding sexual orientation, which is meant to “help youth accept themselves as they are, without fear or guilt.”
“We also accompany them with specialized medical attention, psychotherapy, and, when needed, psychiatric care as well,” says Mayra Cristina. In all of this, she says, respect is key.
“We always work with our LGBTQ+ youth and all our youth for the restoration of their rights, which have been violated,” she underscores. “We continually build partnerships that allow us to provide the best care and work with a great deal of professionalism to achieve this.”
It’s what made it possible for Juan to grow and progress through all the levels of care at Covenant House Mexico and to now live happily and successfully on his own.
While he resided with us, Juan studied hospitality, with a specialty in English. He got a job with a Mexico City hotel and has been promoted time and again, Laura says, for his hard work, solid performance — and self-confidence.
*Name changed to protect our youth’s privacy.
Shelter Is Only the Beginning
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