
How A Young Person Became Valedictorian While Living at Covenant House New Orleans  

Covenant House high school graduate and former homeless teen Elijah

In the heart of New Orleans, Elijah Hogan defied the odds by graduating high school as valedictorian. 

The Road to Academic Achievement 

Born in New Orleans but raised in Houston during his early years after Hurricane Katrina forced his family out of the Crescent City, Elijah returned to his birthplace under challenging circumstances.   

Elijah's journey to success was not without its hurdles. Following the tragic loss of his mother in 2015, Elijah found himself navigating uncertain paths. With his grandmother's support, he resettled in New Orleans, only to face further upheaval when the family faced eviction. Covenant House provided Elijah shelter and a supportive community that would become instrumental in shaping his future.

Former homeless teen and high school graduate Elijah at graduation

Despite his challenges, Elijah's determination and academic prowess shone through during his high school years at Walter L. Cohen High School. Known for his steadfast focus and love for learning, Elijah excelled academically, earning the prestigious title of valedictorian. His dedication to his studies immediately set him apart as a diligent and passionate student. 

“I really liked doing the work. You can ask some of the staff from Walter L. Cohen. I was simply married to the rules and would focus on my work,” Elijah shared.  

Beyond Shelter: Support from Covenant House 

Throughout his senior year, Covenant House provided Elijah with more than just a place to stay. He says it became a nurturing environment where he found mentorship, resources, and the support needed to maintain his academic trajectory. Reflecting on his time at Covenant House, Elijah acknowledges the pivotal role it played in his success, from funding essential school supplies to ensuring he could participate in memorable senior year experiences, such as movie outings and senior year traditions like his class ring, senior year fees, and the graduation ceremony. 

"Covenant House, they really provided me everything I needed, shelter, a place for me to rest and come back to,” said Elijah. 

What's Next for Elijah? 

When the story of his academic achievement went viral, Elijah was also able to reconnect with family who now knew where to reach him. Extended family members have contacted him by phone and he’s part of the planning conversations for a future family reunion.     

Looking ahead, Elijah is poised to embark on a new chapter at Xavier University, where he plans to pursue his passion for graphic design. He dreams of working in 3D modeling and comic design. With a full scholarship and plans to live on campus, Elijah is preparing himself mentally for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. 


Key Takeaways: 

  • Resilience: Elijah overcame numerous hardships, including the loss of his mother and homelessness.  
  • Support System: Covenant House provided critical support, from shelter to mentorship and financial assistance.  
  • Academic Excellence: Elijah’s dedication to his studies earned him the title of valedictorian.  
  • Future Aspirations: Elijah is set to attend Xavier University, with a full scholarship to pursue graphic design. 

Shelter Is Only the Beginning

From crisis to care: Find out what it's like when a young person enters our doors.