Preventing Human Trafficking

You can join the fight against human trafficking by learning to recognize the signs of someone who is being trafficked, advocating for the safety and rights of trafficking survivors, and supporting us in our work to provide safety and healing to all youth who come to our doors.

Watch for Signs a Youth Is Being Trafficked

Sad human trafficking survivor | Covenant House

Putting a stop to human trafficking begins with learning the warning signs a young person may be in the grip of traffickers. Youth who exhibit some combination of the signs below may already be entrenched in trafficking. Notice if they:

  • Appear unusually fearful, anxious, or irritable.
  • Have sexualized content on their social media profiles.
  • Show signs of physical or sexual abuse.
  • Possess a second cell phone.
  • Exhibit poor health and hygiene.
  • Are unable or not allowed to speak for themselves.
  • Show signs of exhaustion and/or addiction.
  • Have few or no personal possessions.

If someone you know exhibits some (not necessarily all) of these signs, get help now

How You Can Help

Here are 4 things you can do right now to make a difference for trafficked youth and survivors.

How Covenant House Helps

With over 50 years supporting young people experiencing homelessness, Covenant House is a leader in meeting youth at the intersection of homelessness and human trafficking as we advance our bold vision to end youth homelessness as we know it. With support from our donors and community, we help survivors reclaim and rebuild their lives, and we work to make societies safer for youth by providing:

Help Youth Escape the Threat of Human Trafficking

Your support will ensure that young survivors at Covenant House will receive the care they need to heal, grow, and reach their potential.

Get Help Now

If you or a young person you know needs help, here’s what to do. 

Call or come into the nearest Covenant House, where you will find safety, services, and support at no cost. Covenant House has locations in 34 cities across five countries. We are here to help, not to judge.

Get The Help You Need at Covenant House Near You