Storm's Story of Enduring an Unstable Home and Youth Homelessness
“The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the text of the article below belong solely to the author of the article, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Covenant House International. These articles are shared with the purpose of being informative and thought provoking.”
Some young people come to Covenant House directly from the streets. Others leave unstable or unsafe home situations. Whatever the reason, every young person who comes to Covenant House is treated with the absolute respect and unconditional love that all young people need and deserve.
This week, we share an inspiring essay written by a young person from the Hidden Homelessness: Youth Voices storytelling series developed by SchoolHouse Connection that highlights the often overlooked and unseen experiences that define child and youth homelessness.
Read more here
Shelter Is Only the Beginning
From crisis to care: Find out what it's like when a young person enters our doors.